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May 25, 2023 15 minute read

Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose the Right M&A Deal Software for Your Team


When it comes to mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the right deal software can make all the difference. It can streamline processes, improve communication, and ultimately, help your team close deals faster. However, with so many options out there, choosing the right M&A deal software can be overwhelming. This guide will walk you through the key factors to consider, so you can make an informed decision that meets your team’s needs.

We’ve also prepared an in-depth companion worksheet to help you manage your buying process. The worksheet includes 60 questions in addition to the 39 questions found in this guide to consider and ranking system to help you evaluate and consider compare your M&A deal software options.

Identify Your Team’s Needs

Before you start evaluating different M&A deal software options, it’s crucial to identify your team’s unique needs. Consider what your team does on a day-to-day basis, and what challenges you currently face. 

  • Do you need a tool to help you manage due diligence?
  • Are you struggling to keep track of documents and communication related to a deal?
  • Do you need a more efficient way to collaborate with internal and external stakeholders?

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, you can start evaluating which deal software options align with them.

Evaluate Your Team’s Processes

Take a look at your current processes.

  • What’s working well, and what’s not?
  • Where do you see bottlenecks or inefficiencies?

By understanding your current processes, you can identify areas where deal software could help streamline workflows communication.

For example, if your team is struggling to manage due diligence, you might need a tool that helps you organize and track all the different requests and responses. If you’re having trouble keeping track of all the documents related to a deal, you might need a document management system that integrates with your email and other tools.

Overall, the key is to identify the pain points in your team’s current processes and look for software that addresses those pain points directly.

You can find some questions to ask to help evaluate your team’s processes and needs in the companion worksheet.

Company Size and Structure

Consider the size and structure of your company, as well as the number of teams in the M&A process. A small startup with a few stakeholders will have different needs than a large corporation with multiple teams and departments.

For example, if you have a large team, you may want software that allows for multiple users and permissions. You may also need software that can handle complex data and analytics.

On the other hand, if you have a small team, you may not need as many features and can opt for a more streamlined deal software solution.

M&A Goals and Objectives

Consider your M&A goals and objectives. Are you looking to acquire new technology or expand your market share? Do you need software that can handle due diligence or post-merger integration?

Make a list of your top priorities and use them as a guide when evaluating software options.

Define Your Key Requirements for Deal Software

Once you’ve evaluated your current processes, it’s time to define your key requirements for an M&A deal software solution. These requirements will help you narrow down your options and evaluate different tools more effectively.

When defining your requirements, consider the following questions:

  • What features or functionality are essential for your team?
  • What integrations do you need with other tools you use?
  • What level of security and privacy is required? 
  • What level of support and training do you need?

When defining your requirements upfront, you’ll be able to evaluate different software options more effectively ensure that the tool you choose meets your team’s needs. If you need more parameters to consider, the companion worksheet has more questions to consider.

Consider Your Team’s Culture and Preferences

Finally, it’s important to consider your team’s culture and preferences with different M&A software options. For example, if your team is used to working in a certain way, it might be challenging to switch to a new tool that requires a completely different workflow.

Similarly, if your team is used to working with a specific set of tools, it might make sense to choose an M&A software solution that integrates with those tools seamlessly. This can help and ensure that your team is able to adopt the new tool quickly and effectively.

Consider the Deal Software

Once you’ve identified your team’s needs, it’s time to evaluate different M&A software options based on their features and functionality. We’ve compiled 20 questions to help you evaluate software options and potential ROI in the companion worksheet.

Here are some key features to look for:

Due Diligence Management

One of the most critical aspects of any M&A deal is due diligence. Look for software that provides a centralized location for storing and organizing due diligence information. Ideally, the tool should allow you to assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress, so you can stay on top of everything in real-time.

Other features to look for include the ability to search and filter due diligence information, as well as integrating with other tools you use, such as email and project management software.

Document Management

Another key feature to look for in an M&A software solution is document management. Look for a tool that provides a centralized location for storing and sharing documents related to the deal. Ideally, the tool should allow you to set permissions, track changes, and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders in real-time.

Other features to look for include the ability to search and filter documents, as well as integrating with other tools you use, such as email and cloud storage platforms.

Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are critical to the success of any M&A deal. Look for software that provides a centralized location for all communication related to the deal, including emails, chat messages, and comments. Ideally, the tool should allow you to tag and mention specific team members, so everyone stays in the loop.

Other features to look for include the ability to schedule meetings and calls, as integrations with other communication tools you use, such as video conferencing software and instant messaging platforms.

Look for User-Friendly Interface

No matter how powerful the features of an M&A software solution are, if the interface is difficult, your team is unlikely to adopt it. Look for software with a user-friendly interface that’s intuitive and easy to navigate.

Evaluate the Onboarding Process

Pay close attention to the onboarding process.

  • Is it easy to get started?
  • Are there clear tutorials, guides, and M&A playbooks available?
  • Does the vendor offer training and support?

By evaluating the onboarding process, you can get a sense of how easy it will be for your team to adopt the new tool.

Consider Customization Options

Another key factor to consider when evaluating the user-friendliness of an M&A software solution is customization options. Look for software that allows you to customize the interface or data properties to meet your team’s specific needs.

You might want to customize the dashboard to display the information that’s most relevant to your team. Or you might want to customize the workflows to match your team’s existing processes.

Get Feedback from Your Team

Finally, it’s important to get feedback team when evaluating the user-friendliness of different M&A software options. Ask your team members to try out different tools and provide feedback on what they like and dislike about each one. This can help ensure that the tool you choose is easy for everyone on your team to use.

Check for Compatibility with Existing Systems

It is important to consider how the M&A software will integrate with your existing systems. Look for software that integrates seamlessly with the tools you already use, such as email, productivity software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), and cloud storage platforms.

Evaluate the Integration Process

When evaluating options, pay close attention to the integration process.

  • Is it easy to set up?
  • Are there clear instructions and documentation available?
  • Does the vendor offer customizable playbooks to get started?

By evaluating the integration process upfront, you can ensure that the tool you choose will with your existing systems.

Consider the Level of Integration

For example, if you use a project management tool to manage your M&A workflows, look for software that integrates with that tool at a deep level. This can help minimize duplication of effort and ensure that your team can work efficiently.

Get Feedback from Your IT Team

Finally, it’s important to get feedback from your IT team when evaluating compatibility with existing systems. Ask your IT team to evaluate options and provide feedback on how well they integrate with your existing systems. This can help ensure that the tool you choose is compatible with your IT infrastructure and meets your organization’s security and privacy requirements.

Consider the Cost and ROI

It is essential to consider the cost and ROI. Look for software that provides a good balance of features, functionality, and cost.

Evaluate the Pricing Model

Take a closer look to the pricing model.

  • Is it a one-time fee or a recurring subscription?
  • Are there different pricing tiers based on the features you need?
  • Are there any hidden fees or costs?

By evaluating the pricing model upfront, you can ensure that the tool you choose fits within your budget.

Calculate the Potential ROI

Another key factor to consider when evaluating the cost of different M&A software options is the potential ROI. Look for software that provides a clear ROI, either by team time, improving communication and collaboration, or reducing errors and mistakes. When evaluating potential ROI, download the full guide for a comprehensive list questions to consider.

Download full guide now

Unlock the entire buyer’s guide and gain access to more evaluation points to help supplement your software research. The full guide includes 39 questions to consider when evaluating which M&A software is right for your team.

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